Plantworks Blog


As the year 2017 draws to a close, we will be retiring the blog for Plantworks Nursery. We have enjoyed the posts, pictures, and information that has been shared here, but changes come to all, and folks in the Green Industry know that best.

We will be taking the extra time to work with our other social media outlets, making them accessible, and more interactive, for our clients. Plantworks can still be found on the following media sites:




A smartphone based app to download

We are more than happy to speak with clients directly. Feel free to call the office during business hours (Monday-Friday; 8AM- 4:30PM), or email us at We encourage client interaction, and community talking points. We hope to always be available whenever you need assistance!

Thanks for your business and good wishes!

Happy Planting!


End of Pansies 2017

Sending out thanks to all our clients for another amazing Pansy season!

Pansies and Fall Annuals flew off the shelves! We are grateful to be able to provide color to all our clients across the East coast. We are already getting ready for Spring 2018, are you? We are also greatly anticipating spending time with our families for the upcoming Holiday season. Thanks again for everyone’s continued patronage from season to season!


Happy Planting!



Availability: Fall Season Crop. September- November

Sizes: 4” 18 count flats or 36 count cell packs

Pricing: Set by quantity ordered (discounts offered)

The beginning of the Autumn season at Plantworks is marked by many deliveries of Pansy plugs.

One delivery after another, starting in August, alerts the staff that cool weather is finally (hopefully) on the way, and summer is drawing to a close. Friends of Plantworks have already been planning, and pre-ordering, their Fall season supplies throughout the month of July, but seeing the flowers begin to emerge, is a sure sign of the season’s change. Plantworks Annual houses will become filled with the delightful old-fashioned garden favorite, blanketing the houses in a brilliant show of color barely contained in one place.

Sporting bright colors, and happy “faces”, the garden Pansy is a large-flowered hybrid plant, often grown in the United States as an annual or biennial. (Pansies are technically hardy, evergreen perennials in Zones 6-10.) Cultivated as a garden flower, hybridization across several species has introduced us to the Pansy as we know it. Often, for simplicities sake, the older name of Viola tricolor var. hortensis is often used when discussing botanical names.

The common Pansy has two slightly overlapping upper petals, two side petals, and a single bottom petal, with a slight beard, emanating from the flower’s center. There is potential for the plant to grow to nine inches in height, and they normally have a diameter of 2-3 inches (although larger and smaller varieties do exist). The color choices are endless, as well as sizes of the blooms. In English, there is argument as to correctly using the terms “pansy” “viola” and “violet.” In fact, they may be used interchangeably. (The distinction often comes into play with the number of petals and their shapes, and also with the origin of the plant.) There can also be distinctions made with flowers possessing a well-defined “blotch,” or “eye,” in the middle of the bloom. Typically the term Pansy is used to describe bedding plants used year after year, with the term Viola being used to describe smaller, more delicate annuals/perennials.

The varieties of Pansies available are astounding, and ever growing. Cultivation, hybridization, and experimentation has long ensured there will be no end to the amazing combinations and colors. The stock offered by Plantworks is comprehensive, and can be overwhelming to someone who just needs a few items. We hope this helps you decide the best Pansy for the job, whatever your growing needs may be. The following are varieties that Plantworks will have available for 2017:

  • Matrix
  • Panola/ Panola XP
  • Frizzle Sizzle
  • Cool Wave
  • Sorbet/ Sorbet XP
  • Colossus
  • Crown
  • Delta
  • Majestic Giant
  • Viola Penny

Did you know? The name “Pansy,” comes from the French word pensee, meaning “thought,” imported into Late Middle English as the name of Viola in the mid- 15th century. The flower is regarded as the symbol of remembrance. The “love in idleness,” name was meant to invoke the image of a lover who has little, or no, other pastime than to think of his beloved.

Please contact us for availability questions, or about scheduling deliveries. We are here to ensure you get the most color from the Autumn season as possible.

  • 919-732-6594

Happy Planting!

Plantworks Transition


Pic 3.pngTo all our valued customers and vendors:

As many of you are aware, Plantworks Nursery has been planning a transition of ownership for the past five years. In 2009 Dana Massey joined the staff at Plantworks Nursery after graduating from NCSU at the top of her horticulture class. Dana’s dream has been to be an integral part of the green industry as owner of her own wholesale nursery. In 2012, I began to mentor Dana to become the owner of the company. Now, five years later, the time has arrived for Dana to realize her dream and assume ownership. On July 1, 2017, she will become the owner of Plantworks Nursery Inc. My role at Plantworks will be limited to supporting Dana in any way that I can to insure her success. By now most of you have met Dana at trade shows or other industry events. For those of you who have not, please reach out to her to help make this as smooth a transition as possible.

As the end of my ownership approaches, I want to convey to all our valued customers that I have complete confidence in Dana’s ability to provide you with the quality plant material and the excellent customer service we have provided for the past 38 years.

I also want to assure our valued vendors that Dana will conduct business in the same professional way we have done over the same time. We hope Plantworks Nursery will continue to be an important part of your success in the future. Thanks to all of you who have played an important role in making Plantworks the success it is today.


Doug Chapman


This is an exciting time for me and my family as we embark on this new journey.  I am forever grateful to each and every one of you that have made this process as seamless as possible and for all of the support.  There will be no change in staff and the quality of plants we provide will remain the same, sustaining the reputation that we have built over the last 38 years.  Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns that we can help answer.  Thank you for being an active part of our business.  The possibilities for the future are endless and we are excited to share those with you.Pic 2


We look forward to our continued partnership!



Dana Massey



Trade Shows 2017

Every year in January, there are two things you can count on with a certainty. The weather will be cold, and Plantworks will be attending trade shows. We attend two shows early in the year, and everyone is asked to find our booths and say hello. If you would like to match names to faces, have questions about Plantworks, or are interested in becoming a new client; we welcome the chance to meet you! Trade shows are a perfect time to expand business, plan for the year, secure suppliers, and in general enjoy the company of plant people from all around the world. Whether you are an old friend of the business, or just getting started, we hope to see you all in January!


Also known as the Masterpiece of Trade Shows, this annual event is held January 11-13th, 2017. We will be traveling to the Baltimore Convention Center to meet with at least thousands of other tradesmen in the plant business. MANTS means business! This is the slogan for the whole event, and we are prepared to bring our business to Baltimore. For more information on this trade show, please visit the website

Actual physical address:

  • Baltimore Convention Center
    One West Pratt Street
    Baltimore, MD. 21201

Booth # 446 & 448



Green & Growin’ is held in Greensboro, NC on January 16-20th, 2017. Although you would not believe it if you saw the event taking place, Green & Growin’ is the smaller, local show we attend. There are over 400 exhibitors from all around the US, and many are already friends of Plantworks Nursery. We value the time we get to spend with our existing clients to better serve their needs and maintain a personal relationship with them. Green N Growin is also a great place to get educated on so many levels. With featured speakers from all over the plant business, one can find information on just about anything concerning planting or marketing. For more information on this trade show, please visit the website

Actual physical address:

  • Special Events Center @ the Greensboro Coliseum                                                   1921 Gate City Blvd.
    Greensboro, NC 27403

Booth # 317

We look forward to seeing all of Plantworks Nursery’s existing friends, and also look forward to making many more connections in the year to come! See you all in January!

Happy Planting!

Holiday Season 2016


Planning, budgeting, shopping, wrapping, traveling….work, work, work. How many of you view the holiday season this way? The joy of the holidays, and the joy of spending time with friends and family, can easily be lost during this hectic period. Take the time to stop and smell the frankincense and mir, so to speak. Don’t let planning for the rush detract from much-needed down time with your loved ones. We here at Plantworks Nursery will be home with our families from December 23rd to January 1st. We will be back to regular business hours on Monday, January 2nd. (8 AM- 4:30 PM)

We are here to help throughout December with any late, or last minute, planting jobs you may have. Send in any inquires to our email account, as we will check those periodically during the break. ( Please contact our retail branch partner, Durham Garden Center, for any plant related gift ideas. Give the gift of growing things this year, and watch the smiles abound at your annual gatherings.

Happy Planting!